May 4, 2008
Lee's Ferry, Arizona
From Zion NP headed south out of Utah on Hwy 89. Zion was a hike through another dimension. Spent a lifetime there,... crammed into a short hike through the canyon and wading in the Virgin river.... melted snowpack runoff. My feet are still cold.
My mind drifts back for moments in Zion, then as fast snatched away at the stark beauty of the Vermillion Cliffs on the northeast / left side. The desert is beautiful. There's nobody out here.
Kaneb is just north of the Utah state line. About 40 miles going into Arizona is Navajo Bridge crossing the Colorado River. This is the 1st bridge between the UT / AZ built in 1929. That's how isolated and rugged the terrain is here. (Page, AZ / Glenn Canyon dam is about 10 miles NE.) Before 1929 they used Lee's Ferry about 5 miles up river. Let's go see.
Lee's Ferry was named for John Lee, an early Mormon pioneer family. The river crossing ferry started in 1871 and continued until 1910. The landing is still used today as a staging / launching point for rafters heading down river through the Grand Canyon. I'd like to go raft with them; maybe in time on another journey.
Magnificent red rock and strata just knock you down beautiful; blue green river... fast river flow here. Should have trout fished some here but excited to get moving onto the Grand Canyon. This is the upper end... the beginning of the Grand Canyon. Got to drive on and see the canyon; excited today!
May 4, 2008
Lee's Ferry, Arizona
From Zion NP headed south out of Utah on Hwy 89. Zion was a hike through another dimension. Spent a lifetime there,... crammed into a short hike through the canyon and wading in the Virgin river.... melted snowpack runoff. My feet are still cold.
My mind drifts back for moments in Zion, then as fast snatched away at the stark beauty of the Vermillion Cliffs on the northeast / left side. The desert is beautiful. There's nobody out here.
Kaneb is just north of the Utah state line. About 40 miles going into Arizona is Navajo Bridge crossing the Colorado River. This is the 1st bridge between the UT / AZ built in 1929. That's how isolated and rugged the terrain is here. (Page, AZ / Glenn Canyon dam is about 10 miles NE.) Before 1929 they used Lee's Ferry about 5 miles up river. Let's go see.
Lee's Ferry was named for John Lee, an early Mormon pioneer family. The river crossing ferry started in 1871 and continued until 1910. The landing is still used today as a staging / launching point for rafters heading down river through the Grand Canyon. I'd like to go raft with them; maybe in time on another journey.
Magnificent red rock and strata just knock you down beautiful; blue green river... fast river flow here. Should have trout fished some here but excited to get moving onto the Grand Canyon. This is the upper end... the beginning of the Grand Canyon. Got to drive on and see the canyon; excited today!